Matters concerning Music Corner inhabitants

Started by theribz, February 26, 2017, 09:17:36 am

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okey okey :D yeah i like the idea of an embassy, maybe even one in each spawn haha:D


Important notice

Due to an incident involving lag and a baby zombie pigman in a minecart, the pigs in the Music Corner Nether area are now angry.
I will try to resolve this asap by afking and waiting for them to find their cool back.

I apologize for the inconvenience. It was an unlucky event.


Peace seems to have been returned to the Music Corner Nether Area.


I wanted to add a portal to Gangkou City, but boy, Music Corner is a mess on the nether side. Does anybody mind if I clean that up and make ourselves a little, seperate nether hub? Would be easier to connect Ribz's mob farm and the future eventual never happening witch farm as well.

Also, if anybody wants to help, feel free.


Are you attaching the hub to the south rail as well? I was planning on attaching my portal to the southrail somewhere in the distant future. But if the hub's a bub then I might just not.


yeah, the plan is to attach it to as many places as possible.


I like it, I need to move my portal to my Base though, any design ideas BTW?


I've been fiddling with multiple designs but can't really find a sure one. I'm currently doubting between a very natural one or a more streamlined one, which will be a lot more expensive and more function over form.


concerning the nether hub, something something prismarine/dark oak/quarts?



That's the one material I already didn't have a problem with, lol.

Since B's shop is giving away free prismarine that shouldn't be a problem as well, but I'm kind of low on the quartz scale, so unless somebody wants to chip in on that...



March 25, 2017, 07:14:45 am #27 Last Edit: March 25, 2017, 11:26:14 am by FishSandwich
Boneblocks do some really weird stuff with lighting though. Less fluid and turn grey randomly, so I'll have to see how exactly I put them into the pattern.

On the subject of prismarine though, there is an ocean temple just a little north of deadman's pass at -1335 2315. If we ever want to be self sufficient, somebody could turn that into a prismarine farm if they're feeling really bored.

EDIT: How does this look?

Dark oak and bone are easily farmable, I got plenty of sea lanterns and gold for the rails, and I have some prismarine saved up as well. Only thing that is a problem for me is the dark prismarine but I was hoping to strike a deal with eric.

Also, I put ice under the dark oak slabs in the center, so you'll run faster. I was hoping Rose could hook me up with that. Pretty please?


Of course! I don't think I'll be on soon, school is superbusy. But take from The Ice Imperium whatever you need, free of charge. Not sure how much is in there, but I can get more later on.
I have a week off after two more weeks of school, so I'll be on fulltime at that point.

Btw, sweet design!


i like it! can you set up a storage system in one of the rooms (between me and funkeys portals) for storage and we can just put everything we have there when we come online

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