Testificate Trading, Inc.

Started by Borderlad, March 17, 2017, 11:22:35 pm

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Would you like to see a villager trading hall at Spawn?

Hell yeah - about time!
Gods no - are you MAD??!?
Heeheehee, you said testificate!  ......Wait, -what?
As long as there's a polar bear involved, any idea's an AWESOME idea!
Who the hell are you and why are you bothering me?
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March 17, 2017, 11:22:35 pm Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 08:47:51 am by Borderlad

Howdy all!

So, King_Ozy and I have been nurturing our growing tradition of putting our noggins together and germinating grandiose, life threatening ideas.  (Plus, I appear to be trying to win an imaginary bet concerning how awkward and pretentious I can make my communique's.  Lucky you.)

One notion we are toying dangerously with is that of building a hall at Spawn, filled with villagers for trading.  What makes the idea dangerous, you didn't ask?  -Apologies, but some mysteries are better left unrevealed for funtime discovery.  However, the testificates will testify (because I'm threatening them with digital agony-) that the idea is, indeed, laden with the kind of danger ordinarily mentioned only in certain sections of the Christian bible.  Well... and Hollywood films.  Aaaand, maybe huge sections of the library.  And maybe my diary.  But I'm totally too macho to be keeping a diary, so ignore that last part.  (Please?)

So, the notion of a villager trading hall at Spawn...
-->  Bunches of villagers for to be trading with.
-->  No auto farms.
-->  Perhaps a crop blaster or two for food-like plant thingies with which to wheedle emeralds out of the grasping fingers of the greedy greedy, one-percenter, rich-as-duck farmers.  (I have a daughter and I want to avoid cursing, okay?  Don't fuckin' judge me.)  Y'all would  need to bring y'all's own bone meal for the crop blasters, but there are a number of public-use bone farms around.  ...y'all.
-->  No auto farms.
-->  Just villagers, and one or two at-keyboard machines.
-->  Maybe a polar bear.  ('cause what's better'n a fricken' POLAR BEAR??!?)

See, our idea is to put a good & useful pastle of profitable people at Spawn, but without instigating Lagageddon every time somebody visits and loads in the chunk.

And... y'know... maybe some entertaining nihilistic danger, too.  (Have you ever seen a villager sweat bullets?  It's glorious.)

So, we wish to put the idea out there for review...
Would you welcome such a thing?


I would like to add what specifically these villagers would provide, most of the villagers would be librarians selling every type of enchantment conceived, and farmers to trade crop for emeralds. ATM i don't know if we would want to include blacksmiths and tool smiths because that would make it super easy for a new player to come on and just get end game gear in a hour or two right off the bat, and i feel that would take away from the experience. now we dont have to put it in spawn if its a lag issue, but we would like to so it is as accessible to everyone without having to know its location before hand.

That is all i have to add for the moment, and if you guys have any questions about it feel free to post them here and borderlad and i can answer them to help clarify anything 


Forget the villagers #BringBackPolarBearsToSpawn


If I could set up polar bears as interactive traders, I'd do it in a heartbeat!   8)


Have a nice day! | Co-Owner of Pasific? | https://imgur.com/a/XLAlvAh

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