nether rail extension/revamp.

Started by Manlyman95, August 19, 2017, 06:39:01 am

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me and chester made a faster nether line design with boats and ice, how should we do the nether rail revamp.

keep old rails and just use the new design with just new extensions?
add extensions and new line on top of existing rail requiring two entrances for every portal.
replace whole system with new design but the first 1-2 blocks of people entrances will need to be rebuilt.
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August 19, 2017, 06:39:01 am Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 06:50:57 am by Manlyman95
first of all before anyone gets their panties in a twist this is a poll it's not just outright gonna happen that's why we are asking you guys. also the design isn't finalized we built something to show you is all as an example everything is subject to change by anyone who wants to give ideas.

no more messing with powered rails (you're always going fast)

this new line is 3 times faster (maybe more depending on factors)

this new design is MUCH cheaper to build because it uses stone and clay/concrete, and glass with an aesthetically pleasing look

boats are much cheaper (5 iron = cart  , 5 wood =boat) also almost everyone has wood on their person not always iron.

you can ride your horse comfortably, because of the design its acts like a solid surface for horses so no stopping or bumps!

it will require a bit of time to build and get this all together so its not gonna be instant obviously .

(also its blessed by dickbutt himself, praise be.)

so what do you think?

link to chesters thread:,509.msg2081.html

Praise the lord and phallus amen.


I plan on mostly sticking to my little desert. But I say if it's more efficient and faster then do it. It'll be better for everyone in the long run.
 Picard approves
Check out this selfie!


August 19, 2017, 05:35:44 pm #2 Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 05:37:19 pm by apizza4you2
LOL I was just extending the North Tunnel to my Portal.

I love the idea faster is better.

Let me know what I can do :D

-edit O that right its a yes from me.


I'd be happy to help (yes from me)

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