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Topics - KomradeKD

Claim your land / Question
February 07, 2017, 09:43:39 pm
What are the rules for land claiming? I did see the previous claims topic, but more specifically I am curious about how it works. I see people claiming a specific coordinate, so how far out does that claim reach from the stated x/y? I also have half a mind to wander quite a distance, I don't see many venturing farther than a few thousand blocks out. is there a maximum distance alowed?

If there is a topic already that explains all of this, I appologize. I'm still learning my way around the site.
Introduce Yourself / Hello
February 07, 2017, 04:18:25 pm
So after many many years of crafting the mines, the is the first community server I have every joined. Won't lie, a bit intimidated. After so many years of solo play, I feel like I'm jumping into the deep end  :o But here goes.