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Messages - rev_xpurple

You have been whitelisted.  Please read the rules and announcements.  There is a pending server reset when 1.13 comes out.

Oh, yeah, and don't be a dick.
Announcements / Re: Pending server reset
March 10, 2018, 12:56:08 am
I'll make a post when it's saved for the last time.

Remember that any changes you make now till I make that post will be saved.  So, well, don't blow shit up yet.  They still haven't announced the release date other than "soon".
Announcements / Pending server reset
March 09, 2018, 10:38:57 pm
With the pending server reset it's come to my attention that there are a lot of really amazing builds on the map that not everyone has seen.  So, in celebration of the pending server reset with 1.13 I have enabled the option for creative for all players.  Head to 0,0 on the map and you will find buttons to change your gamestate as you see fit.

Use this to explore, fly around so you can get a better view or finish builds that you may or may not have time to finish before the end.

Note that this is not permission to grief or be a dick.  Please be kind and hold a sword when in creative as it's way too easy to break blocks otherwise and screw up someone's build.

Also, when the server reset happens everyone will go back to survival as per usual.
Whitelist application / Re: Whitelist Request
March 09, 2018, 01:44:56 am
You have been whitelisted.  Be sure to read the rules and as a heads up there will be a map reset when 1.13 comes out soonish.
Claim your land / Re: Claiming island in the south
March 07, 2018, 11:30:10 pm
Marker has been added.  And, Hippiecheese is right.  In the next month or two will be a world reset due to new features of map generation of 1.13.  It's totally going to be worth it.
General Discussion / Re: 1.13/1.14
March 06, 2018, 06:46:51 pm
I'm still looking at seeds.  So much fun.  I have no idea how many thousands I've generated so far trying to find the perfect one :)

Seriously, it's addictive.  I've spent several hours a night the last week doing this.
Whitelist application / Re: Sark is back :3
March 06, 2018, 06:42:29 pm
You have been whitelisted.  Be sure to read the rules (which have changed as the ownership of the server has also changed).  Also, when 1.13 comes out we will be doing a map reset.  Just a heads up.

Good to have you back!
You have been whitelisted.  Be sure to read the rules and announcements.

Note that there will be a map reset when 1.13 comes out.  Just a heads up.
General Discussion / Re: 1.13/1.14
March 01, 2018, 12:53:04 am
Going with the theme of 1.13 being the aquatic update I'd like to have a lot of nice deep oceans.  Not all maps provide this.  Also, its' good to have nicely formed land masses rather than just a swath of solid land with dots of ocean "large lakes" here and there.  It's also good to have a balance of various biomes and or various other structures.  Nothing like having to go 20,000 blocks to find an end portal or a mooshroom island.
General Discussion / Re: 1.13/1.14
February 28, 2018, 10:28:31 pm
I've looked at thousands of maps trying to find the perfect seed.  I'll have the right one selected in time.
Whitelist application / Re: Whitelist Application
February 27, 2018, 05:24:33 pm
You have been whitelisted, be sure to read the rules!
Announcements / Re: The path to 1.13
February 27, 2018, 03:23:16 pm
I am totally cool with an end of the world party before the reset. Week long?  Sure!
Announcements / Re: The path to 1.13
February 27, 2018, 12:56:21 am
Just to add, if we reset the map I will provide a download copy for anyone who wants.  It's currently around 15 gigs or so.
Announcements / The path to 1.13
February 27, 2018, 12:49:44 am
As we all know, 1.13 will be out soon.  We will be upgrading here shortly after it comes out.

Give it a week or two to make sure the bugs are worked out for the most part and I can setup a test server.

The real question is map reset or not?  Water physics and other things change.  Not to mention new natural structures.

I'll be holding a vote to see what people want to do.  But, I'm leaning to a reset as I think it would be the best thing.  This is due to how it's going to break pretty much every grinder on the server.  It will also change lots of auto-farms as items now float instead of sink.  Also, the current map is about two years old.  Starting fresh is fun ;)

Please share your opinions.
Whitelist application / Re: Application
February 27, 2018, 12:41:46 am
You have been whitelisted.