Announcement!!! Worldspawn Re-designed!

Started by MiningMarten, December 01, 2016, 02:51:38 pm

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December 01, 2016, 02:51:38 pm Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 05:28:35 pm by MiningMarten
Hello my fellow Imgurcraftians,

With the map moved over and some old players showing interest in a fresh (er) map, we thought of a way to make the current map a bit more interesting, without resetting or affecting the current projects/vanilla survival feel on the map.

I'd like to present to you:

We've reset the world spawn to the center of this peacefull circle.
New players will receive a book explaining about the server, and telling them about the rules and the dynmap. Just to help them on their way.
Players that have already settled down will only see this place when they have not yet set their spawn at a bed, or when their bed gets broken.
The current spawn town at the center of the map is no longer connected to this system.

Taking one of these four portals will take you 5000 blocks in the chosen direction.
From there it's up to the player to create four entirely new spawn cities, and enjoy the vanilla survival minecraft game.

Some explanation.
The reason this set-up is made is because it will allow for a more diverse and long lasting survival experience. It wil feel as a fresh new start on the map, and allows for more players to work together on more than one location, in more than one biome.

I hope everyone is happy with this change.
It does not change anything concerning the settings or pressure on the server, nor will it in any way effect the regular survival gameplay.

Thanks for playing on Imgurcraft, and enjoy the game! :D

The moderators.
Have a nice day! | Co-Owner of Pasific? |



A small alteration has been made.

As due to high demand, i've installed a button that teleports the player to the old central spawn town.
This way, old players can still use the old spawn as their starting point.
Have a nice day! | Co-Owner of Pasific? |

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