Help! I can't see the forum categories/topics when I'm logged in.

Started by Funky_Swunk, November 28, 2016, 08:00:59 am

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See title. I don't know what I've done if I did something to make the front page empty, but I want to see the topics again.  :-[

I already checked all the settings thrice and nothing works. Only thing I can do is click on the link to the latest posts and from there I can navigate through the subcategories...

Pls halp.


Seems to be working fine here.  Try logging out and back in?  Close the browser window?

You have likely done all those things already...


Still looking deeper.  It really does seem to be an issue with your account.

Is anyone else having this issue?


Okay, I re-registered and everything's fine again!

I remember clicking on the little title box [Imgurcraft!] so maybe that was the thing. Ppl don't click that. Or do and report here. ;)

Anyway, lost 10 posts, but back on track!  ;D


I also had this issue, I had to re-register and that fixed mine as well.  ???




Quote from: theribz on March 23, 2017, 10:48:33 am
ok now this has happened to me, any ideas guys?

pls halp.

Yep, all you can do.  One of the mods can rename your existing account so your old messages stay on the forum.

This is lame and if this keeps up we may need to switch to a new forum package.  *shakes head*


uugghh, ill just add an underscore to the new account i guess, damn it.


Well, I did it again.

Was on mobile. Instead of scrolling my finger was interpreted as pushing the black death button.

Forums are dead to me again.

Studied all the code and looked through all the .js-files. No luck.

GG forum.  >:(

EDIT: I did it! I got everything back after making a minor change in the settings. Please do tell me if you notice something off. I don't think anyone will even see any difference.



Well, I moved all forum boards to a category and it all popped up again.
So you also should be seeing the boards now.

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