Shulker Mobs/Shulker Box

Started by apizza4you2, August 25, 2017, 04:32:02 pm

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Shulker Farm?

Good Idea.
Bad Idea.
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August 25, 2017, 04:32:02 pm Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 04:33:58 pm by apizza4you2
I am new to the server and the one thing I cant find are Shulker Mobs, I found a video by xisumavoid on youtube about a Shulker Farm and wanted to get everyones opinion?
It is a little cheaty in a way, but I think it will helpful to new people?
The way they do it in the video is to easy in my opinion, I think we should fight them some how.

I would love some feedback/ideas, Thank you  :)

They would be spawned via Mobspawner like most mob farms.

Here is the video if you want to see for yourself.


I do think we need a more renewable way of getting shulkers. After all, there's a renewable source of elytra and dragon heads, which are also limited by the amount of end cities just like shulker boxes. However, I don't think a farm is the way to do it, that would almost make it too easy. You shouldn't be able to get an infinite amount of shulker boxes because you can afford to stand afk somewhere. Perhaps once custom crafting recipes are enabled, we can add an expensive one for shulker shells.


Either that, or make the farm super dangerous.


or maybe like, make wither boss drop shulker box?
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Quote from: chesterqw on August 26, 2017, 01:18:10 amor maybe like, make wither boss drop shulker box?

I feel like this would almost make them too hard to get? A shulker box is handy, yes, but I don't think it should be as hard to get as a nether star. Perhaps have it drop 2 or 3?


Love the idea.
My opinion on how this could be executed well and balanced:

Have certain areas in the end (like 3 or 4 end cities) that have a hidden spawner that only allows 5 - 10 shulkers at the time inside the selected endcity-area.

That way, the end city will always contain up to 10 shulkers, randomly spawned within the fortress, and the players would still have to find them and hunt them down.

Look it up, its doable with command block magic and custom spawners. And i think its a wonderful way of making shulkers renewable, without allowing people to be afk there.

Have a nice day! | Co-Owner of Pasific? |


or when the enderdragon is spawned and killed, the end cities regenerate or at least the shulkers respawn


Another idea is to have a button to press that renews a city.  But, has a 50/50 chance of just teleporting you home.


August 27, 2017, 04:48:18 am #8 Last Edit: August 31, 2017, 06:52:32 am by Funky_Swunk
Needs a button for Agathor, but will 100% tp him home.

No wait, actually. 200 blocks from home.


we could have a command block that spawns them active with redstone only, and a randomizer attached to it, that way there's like a 1/9 chance of it spawning a shulker per redstone signal, which could be like once every day or so if you're super unlucky, if i get it to work and not be completely op i can send the map to rev to show him. Should be simple in theory...


Are there any builds in the end other than the xp farm? Why not just reset it whenever it gets too tough to hunt them? It took me a good while to get shulker shells but it can be done. Shoot, I didn't even realize that there was an end map my first couple expeditions... Anyway, I'm not crazy about the idea of a farm but at some point it becomes unreasonable to expect people to travel 20k blocks to get an item.


Same thing may want to be done for Totems of Undying

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