I wanna start a shop! I've got too much shit with nowhere to put it!

Started by Hippiecheese, September 14, 2017, 04:07:50 am

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A glass shop if we don't have one. I'll call it "Blow it out your glass!".... Cause glass blowing is a thing.... and it's clever....

If we already have a glass shop I'll open up a general building supplies shop "I break it, you build it!" cause I break all the blocks.... also clever.... shutup...
Check out this selfie! https://i.imgur.com/cofqCUI.gifv


Sorry to ruin your day, but there is a glass shop in Old Spawn, and there is also a general supply store over there.

But maybe you can open shop in one of the other spawn cities?


Shiiiiiiiit Alright, I'll pick one of those other spawn sites.
Check out this selfie! https://i.imgur.com/cofqCUI.gifv


I don't know who runs the glass shop, but it hasn't been restocked in like months as far as i know. I'll buy like 64 diamonds worth of glass from you if you have it


The glass shop in Old Spawn belongs to the Butts.
I haven't seen them on in a long time... but then, I took a break for 2-3 months myself, so that might not mean anything.


I thought the butts were done with the server for a while at least. didn't they also own a couple of shops that got repossessed?


The Buttpeople have been generally gone for quite a while now. I guess if there's a demand, a glass shop could be opened.

But what do I know about that sort of things?


I feel like we could potentially replace the glass shop even? As in, tear it down and let cheese build another one (In that same spot or elsewhere, whatever). The idea behind spawn was to kind off have this 'evolving' city, evolving includes removal of so-to-say dead shops. We've already down this a few times, for example revamping the stall for Bannerman's Banners into Ellenoria's Firework shop, and turning the Whestphilian Spawn Tavern & Inn into a prismarine store after Buttmarine ran out of stock. Replacing Bannerman's Banners was an easy decision of course, because the owner came out and said that they were done with the server and actually boarded up the shop to close it down. The Butts have made no actual statement on quitting and closing their shops though, hence Buttmarine is still standing despite there already being a new Prismarine shop. I feel like by now though, enough time has passed, time to revamp that stuff. Anyone opposed to this?


If there is anything in the shop i feel like we should return it to their base, but else we should replace the shop, it should be a biggy for them to rebuild it if they return.


If the butt folk were to come back I'd gladly "buy" the shop from them if they were upset about it, or even remove my remaining stock and let them have it back. though I might wanna tear what's there down for my own structure...
Check out this selfie! https://i.imgur.com/cofqCUI.gifv


Maybe before tearing down stuff, shoot the Butts a message and give them some time to reply. If they don't, proceed. If they do answer, proceed according to their answer.



Thanks Funky! Looks like "Blow it out your Glass" will be open for business soon!
Check out this selfie! https://i.imgur.com/cofqCUI.gifv


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